Cockatiel Review

Can Cockatiels Eat Watermelon?

can cockatiels eat watermelon

In winter, when it’s brick outdoors, healthy nutrition is especially important. The weather might be mad windy, rainy or cloudy. Therefore, your heat-loving birds need additional care. As well as in summer, their diet is to be varied and healthy. It is a good practice to include seasonal, summer fruits, and veggies in their ration. Can cockatiels eat watermelon? It’s safe, but not common birds’ food. It would be a delicious treat for your cherished birds. Do you get exotic fruits and veggies for Christmas dinner? Your friendly pets might be worth special noticing. Delight them by their favorite dainties. But you are to serve fruits properly. Do you know how to do it? Let me refresh your memory.

What Fruits and Veggies Can Cockatiels Eat?

In winter, it might be not easy to get your favorite summer delicacies. Warm weather producers supply some of them from Southern Africa or Asia. Of course, you won’t buy them in your local bodega. Summer fruits are not on the list of your essential items.

Both adult birds and cockatiel chicks have individual food preferences. For example, Sweetie and Loki adore fleshy fruits. Which ones can you get in winter? Some safe and healthy products might be available in a supermarket. They include:what foods can cockatiels eat

  • apples;
  • bananas;
  • grapes;
  • kiwi;
  • pears.

You might be lucky to get papaya or mango. Certain berries might be on the shelves. Will winter fruits be mature and fresh? I would doubt it. Contamination with pesticides is also probable. Additionally, these products are quite expensive.

Best food for cockatiels is intuitive to buy. Top-quality, branded mixes and blends include dried fruits and veggies. They contain seeds, millets and pellets. Vitamins and amino acids are essential. Your lovely cockatiels need them especially in winter or when they molt.

Right Now interesting information about Best food for cockatiels!

Benefits and Nutritional Value of Fruits and Veggies

Are you a new or inexperienced bird owner? You might love your friendly, social birds. Paying a lot of time to your cherished cockatiels is essential. You are to feed them not less than 2-3 times a day. Try to avoid common food mistakes. Don’t risk to starve your lovely cockatiels. Over-feeding in neither healthy. Let’s take a step further and compare basic fruits’ nutrition facts.

Fruit Calories Vitamin A, % DV Vitamin C, % DV Calcium, % DV
Watermelon 80 30 25 2
Apple 130 2 8 2
Banana 110 2 15 2
Strawberries 50 0 160 2
Orange 80 2 130 6

Can cockatiels eat strawberries? These treats are delicious, and my cockatiels get them several times a month. They are mad rich in vitamin C. It’s strange, but plant scientists classify strawberry as a fruit. Percent Daily Value shows it’s mad nutrient. So, let’s think about serving size of every ingredient.

Can Cockatiels Eat Veg?

Veggies and greens might be more affordable than berries and summer fruits. I guess they are more affordable, but not cleaner. Is lettuce or cauliflower available in your local grocery store? I believe, it is. Anyway, common veggies, like carrots, pumpkin, zucchini and beets are to be on offer.

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You may get a lot of healthy veggies. Most of them are safe for your cherished cockatiels. Do they like watery food, like tomatoes? Can cockatiels eat cucumber? When Nigel is thirsty, he would consume a tiny piece of it. My female birds, Sweetie and Loki prefer sugary fruits. They take them as treats, on very rare occasions.

If you still feed fruits and veggies to your lovely feathered friends, make them safe. Make sure, these pieces of food are:

  • clean;
  • fresh;
  • small;
  • natural.

You’ll have to peel cucumbers before letting cockatiels eat them. Strawberry bruises easily and spoils fast. Remove seeds before serving it. Amounts of treats should be mad small. Pet owners put them in grams or parts of a tablespoon. Abundance is still not very healthy.

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Can Birds Eat Watermelon?

I believe your cherished cockatiels adore fatty seeds, sometimes pellets. This kind of food is artificial. It looks not as fresh and attractive as fruits. But pellets are mad nutritional, containing healthy additives. Right amount of vitamins is difficult to estimate. I would rather count on professionals.

Cockatiels are picky birds. They eat not all fruits and veggies: but watermelon is their favorite food. It’s high in sugar and water content, so feed it in moderation. Watermelon is nutritional and delicious. Is it a fruit or berry? It’s similar to cucumber, melon and pumpkin.

Additionally, regular consumption of watermelon may change color of cockatiels’ droppings. It might make them liquid and runny. But it’s normal, not dangerous. What fruits can cockatiels not eat? First of all, avoid avocado. Fruit seeds and pits are toxic, especially from:

  • pears;
  • apples;
  • cherries;
  • plums;
  • apricots and peaches.

Watermelon is on the list. Don’t forget to remove seeds before feeding it to cockatiels. Eliminate birds’ access to salt, chocolate, caffeine and rhubarb. Check every piece of food you give them. It lets your lovely cockatiels be cheerful and healthy.

Bottom Line

Cockatiels’ diet should be varied. It’s mad important, especially in winter. When your lovely birds experience lack of sunshine, they need your support. Fresh, mature veggies and fruits are in short supply in winter. If you get something exotic, like watermelon, it’s a rare case. You may redress the balance in summer. Now your pet birds need warmth and daily exercise. Diverse and balanced food for them is available all-year-round. Choose a suitable food mix from a reliable supplier. It lets you avoid food preparation issues. Available ingredients are enough to make your birds satisfied and happy.


Hi, my name is Charlie. I come from Patchogue Village, New York. Are you fond of cockatiels? As for me, I’ve got four pet birds. Their names are Yo-Yo and Sweetie, Nigel and Loki. Do you know how to care for them? I’m trying to hunt down the questions now. Join me, and let’s do it together.

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